Frequently Asked Questions
Thank you for checking out our frequently asked questions section.
If any questions are not answered here please reach out to us. We'd love to talk to you and answer your questions.
Are there benefits?
Yes, there are benefits. In addition to your standard lodge benefits of gaining a community, opportunities for personal growth, opportunities for professional growth, member events, and charitable giving you gain access to the Odd Fellows parks. The Oregon park is the Jesse T. Jones park on the Oregon coast with direct dunes access.
What are the requirements for membership?
Any person of good character, of any race, gender, nationality and social status, who is loyal to their country and believes in a Supreme Being that is the creator and preserver of the universe, is eligible for membership. The Rebekah lodge strictly forbids any interference with one’s religious beliefs or political opinions. Most jurisdictions require candidates for the adult Lodges to be 16 years old.
Are there any fees?
There are no application fees.
Yearly dues are $45.00
There is no financial obligation if you are not accepted into the order.
Can I attend a meeting before I join?
Unfortunately our full meetings are closed to the public.
You are welcome to show up before our meetings and chat with the members and see the building if you are interested.
Is there anything that will conflict with my religion?
NO, there is nothing in Odd Fellowship that will conflict with your religion.
Is Odd Fellowship a part of Freemasonry?
No, Odd Fellowship is not affiliated with Freemasonry.
Are Men allowed to join?
Yes!! Men are eligible and encouraged to join as full members alongside the women.
What do you actually do?
There is a lot that we can't tell you here, as a society with a few secrets, the details are confidential. We can tell you on a basic level we meet twice a month where we go through the opening ceremony, conduct the business of the lodge, perform our closing ceremony and make time for fellowship.